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How to wear spring dresses

Whether the sun is shining or it’s bitterly cold outside, we’ve got all the outfit ideas you need to perfect transitional dressing. The key? Layering! With a few hero pieces, you can master how to dress for spring, whatever the weather.  To give you a helping hand, here are five midi dresses for your next weekend shop at Victoria Leeds, along with our top styling tips:

Smart spring dresses

With a colour palette inspired by the Chloé SS19 show, this look feels incredibly premium – making it ideal for your working week (and any weeknight engagements, too). Think tonal shades of khaki and beige, coppers and mustard hues. Don’t forget the print of the season (or should that be decade), too: animal print.  The Karen Millen shirt dress (modelled above) is lightweight and floaty, so it’s great for layering as it won’t look bulky at all. Leopard print has never looked so work appropriate! Pair it with a classic trench coat – it’ll see you through spring and beyond, and work with every outfit imaginable. Feeling the chill?  The Western-style boot is still a key style for the season, so opt for this spring-friendly grey suede pair from Jigsaw (cut low on the ankle). Layer with a cotton roll-neck and you’re all set.  Things warming up?  Ditch the roll-neck and swap your boots for block heel courts or Mary-Janes. Take advantage of the dress’ neckline and pile on some necklaces. Sun’s out, sunnies on: grab some tortoiseshell ones to compliment the outfit.  Main image: Organic cotton trench coat, £135, Cos; animal print shirt dress, £120, French Connection; cotton turtle neck, £29, & Other Stories; Camila suede Western boots, £150, Jigsaw; Brix leather stud bag, £98, Jigsaw; resin earrings, £25, Jigsaw Dresses: Abstract animal midi dress, £169, Whistles; Donella military detailed khaki midi dress, £265, Reiss; Joie Redson marigold printed dress, £395, Harvey Nichols

Printed spring dresses

We feel pretty, oh so pretty. But this is pretty with a big ol’ dose of attitude. Go as daring as you like: pastel hues, ditzy or graphic florals, checks, spots, stripes… Look for buttoned fronts or slashes at the front, wrap dress styles or roomy kaftans, then play down the prettiness with cool sporty additions and casual denim. Perfect for all your weekend plans.  With its vintage floral print, this amazing Isabel Marant frock (modelled above) ticks the patterned dress box. Its luxe silk chiffon material glides and floats, helping it counterbalance the jeans underneath to keep the silhouette sleeker and more wearable.  Feeling the chill?  Throw on some straight leg (leave a few buttons open at the bottom of the dress) and add an oversized pastel hoodie. Chunky white trainers, such as these Adidas Falcons, are still big this season. Pop them on with some sports socks. Find Adidas three-stripe ones in Size. Things warming up?  Ditch the jeans, but keep those trainers on. Dresses worn with trainers were a huge hit last summer and is set to continue this year too. It instantly adds edge to any dress. Chiffon too see-through? Invest in a spaghetti strap slip to wear underneath. Sunnies are a must, as is a tote bag – throw your hoodie in, for when the sun disappears. Main image: Isabel Marant Étoile Ellie printed silk midi dress, £610, Harvey Nichols; Ava straight jeans, £108, All Saints; Isabel Marant Étoile Mansel pink logo sweatshirt, £225, Harvey Nichols; socks, similar in Size?; Adidas Originals Falcon trainers, £85, Size? Dresses: Dandelion blue midi tea dress, £150, Jigsaw; Lindow printed dress, £79.95, Jack Wills; Loved&found Swildens Vivaldi red dress, £219, John Lewis & Partners

Colourful spring dresses

Save colour blocking for a night out on the town – evening attire just got a lot brighter! There are many ways to pull off this look. First up, full on colour clashing – yellow, orange and pink go well together. You could pair colours tonally – red with purple. Or use neutrals such as caramel to tone things down.  We all need a red midi dress in our wardrobes. This versatile wrap dress from Reiss (modelled above) will see you through many spring get-togethers. Its fluid fabric skims the body and hangs really well and, as its strapless, it’s ideal on its own for summer too.  Feeling the chill?  If it’s cold, then don’t pack away your knitwear. This gorgeous damson knit, if thrown over the top, turns your slinky frock into a slinky skirt. Stay away from black boots: we love this lace-up Victoriana pair from Whistles. The low heel makes them wearable for daytime, too. Getting hot out there?  Whip off the knitwear and swap the boots for some bright, strappy heels. It’ll still be too chilly for just a strappy dress, so swap in a yellow or red blazer instead. A magenta clutch adds (another) pop of colour.  Main image: Blouson sleeve sweater, £249, Whistles; Leonie wrap midi dress, £155, Reiss; Celeste kitten heel boots, £225, Whistles; folded clutch in magenta, £99, Karen Millen Dresses: Diane von Furstenberg Augusta yellow silk wrap dress, £410, Harvey Nichols; Finery Ava colour block midi dress, £89, John Lewis & Partners; long sleeve orange empire midi dress, £79, & Other Stories


Fancy some help updating your spring wardrobe? Join us at Victoria Leeds and indulge in some VIP personal shopping. At John Lewis & Partners they offer five free personal styling services, including a full wardrobe refresh.  Your personal stylist will call you before your appointment to find out a little bit more about you. On the day, you’ll head to the private personal shopping suite and relax with a glass of Prosecco. All your pre-selected outfits will be waiting for you, ready to talk through and try on. We spoke to personal stylist Victoria Thewlis and asked her what spring trends she can’t wait to wear: ‘Midi dresses, boiler suits and the utility trend! My spring/summer look will be a midi dress with Western-style boots.’ For more information, or to book an appointment, visit the website or come in store.


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